Updated Articles

  1. Convenience Fees and How They Work

    Information on convenience fees and how they work.
  2. Surcharges and How They Work

    Information on surcharges and how they work.
  3. Virtual Terminal Transaction Fields

    Table of the fields for Qualpay Virtual Terminal transactions.
  4.  Payment Profiles And Virtual Terminal Settings

    Information on settings for Qualpay Payment Profiles.
  5. Create An Invoice

    How to create an invoice using Qualpay Invoicing.
  6. Invoice Settings

    How to set invoice settings for the Qualpay Invoicing product.
  7. Who Can View User Access

    Information on who can view user access to the Qualpay Manager.
  8. Transaction Detail

    Information in the transaction detail sections of several Qualpay reports.
  9. How to Reconcile a Statement

    Information about how to reconcile your Qualpay statement.
  10. Statement Report

    Information on what is listed on the monthly statement report.