Adjustment History Report

Go to Reports and select Adjustment History.

The Adjustment history report presents all the adjustments applied and posted to your depository account on a given day. You can filter on Settled Date, Acquirer Reference Number, or Amount. Refer to how to configure reports for more information on customizing reports.

Note: If you do not have access to Adjustment History and would like access, please see the administrator for your account.

View and search the report by using the filter icon for the following fields:

Settle Date
The date of ACH post to your depository account.
Adjustments can either be debits or credits. Description of adjustments:
Arbitration Fee
Chargeback Reversal
Collect on ACH Return
Collect on Fees Rejected
Collect on Transaction Return
Disburse Deposit
Disburse on Transaction Return
DDA Adjustment 
Refund of Fees
Release of Susp Funds
Acquirer Reference Number
A unique number. Generated for each adjustment made to your deposit account. For disputes, this reference number is the acquirer reference number. You can use the acquirer reference number to search the Dispute History and Transactions reports for correlating disputes or initial transactions.
Amount of the ACH.