How To Configure Reports

Go to Reports and select any report. Then click Configure, located at the top right.  

You can use the configure settings to customize your report settings. You can customize the number of records to be displayed per page, sort data in the columns in ascending/descending order, and limit sort results to just one column.

The column headings are defined below in the Configure Settings table.

Records per pageYou can customize the number of records to be displayed per page in your view. You can select up to 100 records per page.
Sorting columnYou can quickly organize a report by sorting data in a specific column. Click on the drop-down and select a field you want to sort the data.
Sorting orderYou can decide the sorting order (either ascending or descending).

Note: You can also choose to display/not display certain fields in the table that you want to view or download by clicking on Yes/No next to the Column Name.