Update A Saved Report

On the Dashboard, click the Gear Icon in the Favorite Reports box to view the Managed Saved Reports table that lists your saved reports. 

To update a shared report:

  1. Select the report to share and click the Load Icon to view the report.
  2. Change the report name by clicking the Edit Icon next to the saved report's name. Once the change has been made, click the Save Icon. If you wish to discard the changes, click the X Icon.
  3. Change the sorting order of the report by selecting one of the column names. The arrow in the header will move to that column and show if it is sorted by ascending or descending.
  4. Edit the filters by selecting a filter and updating it.
  5. Change the columns that appear by selecting Configure.
  6.  When you have finished editing, click Save. You will have the option to either Overwrite or Save As New.  
    1. Overwrite. To overwrite a currently saved report with the newly selected configuration, click Overwrite and Save Report. The next time you load the saved report, you will view the new configuration.
    2. Save As New. To save the report with the new configuration as a separate saved report, click Save As New, enter the new saved report's name in the Report Label field, and then click Save Report. The new saved report will be listed in the Saved Reports section of Reports.