New Articles

  1. MasterCard's Decline Code Grouping and MAC

    Information about MasterCard's decline code grouping program (MAC).
  2. Visa’s Decline Code Grouping

    Information about Visa's rules for decline code reasons and appropriate retry strategies.
  3. Working with Google Pay Transactions

    Information on how to view Google Pay transactions on the transactions report.
  4. Google Pay Overview

    Overview of Google Pay on Qualpay.
  5. Embedded Fields Configuration

    Information on configuring Qualpay Embedded Fields.
  6. Embedded Fields Overview

    Overview of Qualpay's Embedded Fields.
  7. WooCommerce Security

    Information on setting up reCAPTCHA on your WooCommerce Checkout form.
  8. Fraud Prevention Settings

    Information on the fraud prevention settings available for Qualpay products.
  9. Retrieval Status and Lifecycle

    Information on retrieval statuses and lifecycles.
  10. MasterCard Dispute Workflows

    Information about MasterCard's dispute workflow.