Create And Configure Qualpay Webhooks

Use Qualpay’s webhooks to keep your external system(s) up-to-date and in sync.

To create and configure a webhook:

  1. Log into the Qualpay Merchant Manager in either sandbox or production.
    1. The site you use depends on whether you are testing webhooks (sandbox) or setting up webhooks for live transactions/orders (production).  
    2. You must retrieve a secret key from the specific environment you are using. Keys are not shared between the sandbox and production.
  2.  Go to Administration, and then click on Webhook Management.
  3. Click the +New Webhook button.
  4. Add a Label of your choosing. 
  5. Enter your notification URL into the Notification URL field.
  6. In the Email field, add an email address to receive notifications from Qualpay, then press the + button. The email address will be listed above the field.
    1. The email will alert you if an issue arises with sending notifications to the provided notification URL. 
  7. Select an Authentication Type from the drop-down menu. Select HTTP Basic Authentication to secure the webhook POST request on your server. If you do not want to secure the webhook POST request, select None
  8. Click Create Webhook
  9. A popup with the webhook security key will appear. Click on the copy icon to copy the key. 
    1. Ensure you have stored the secret key securely. Once the window closes, the current security key cannot be recovered.
  10. Click Close.
  11. Find your webhook in the list on the Webhook Management page. Click on it to expand the section.
  12. Click the Change Events button.
  13. In the Webhook Events window, enable events for which you want to be notified by clicking the toggle for specific items in the list. When enabled, the toggle will appear in green. If disabled, it will appear in white
  14. When the events you want are selected, click Close.

To validate your webhook:

To validate that your URL can receive notifications, locate your webhook in the list on the Webhook Management page. Click on it to expand the section. Then click on the Validate button. If your URL is not validated, you will see a message containing the specific HTTP error.